Thursday 12th September is R U OK Day
Every day, we should be cheeking in our mob.
If someone you know is doing it tough, they won’t always tell you. Sometimes it’s up to us to trust our gut instinct and ask someone who may be struggling with life “are you OK?”.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples share a special connection to Country and to each other, through culture, community and shared experience. Regardless of where we live, or who our mob is, we can all go through tough times, times when we don’t feel great about our lives or ourselves. That’s why it’s important to always be looking out for each other.
Useful Contacts for you or someone doing it tough:
13 11 14
Beyond Blue
1300 224 636
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
Yarn Safe
Yarning Safe‘N’Strong
1800 959 563