Join our team!
Due to enormous expansion and internal promotion, we are seeking the services of an Aboriginal Hub Practitioner (The Orange Door).
Work in an appreciative and supportive environment, that offers generous remuneration – including tax savings and additional leave where you will achieve real and meaningful outcomes that positively affect our community.
The Orange Door will deliver a fundamental change to the way we work with women, children, and families, and men. The role of The Orange Door is to provide:
A more visible contact point so that people know where to go for specialist support.
Help for people to identify family violence and child and family safety and wellbeing issues.
Advice based on contemporary risk assessment tools and guidance and best available information.
Specialist support and tailored advice for victims, families and children, and perpetrators.
A strong focus on perpetrator accountability.
Connection and coordination of access to support.
An approach across the spectrum of prevention, early intervention, and response.
A system-wide view of service capacity, client experience and outcomes.
To learn more information or how to apply, visit our website at
