We would like to warmly welcome you to Gunditjmara Aboriginal Health Service where we are proud to offer a friendly welcoming atmosphere, a culturally safe space and a community of professionals that care for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.
As a Medicare bulk billing service, you won’t need to pay on the day, however, there are occasions when this may not apply, such as not having a medicare number and payment will then be required on the day. Talk to our friendly staff will be happy to advise you.
Gunditjmara Health Services
24 Hopkins Road Warrnambool VIC 3280
Phone (03) 55 643 344
Opening Hours
9.00 am - 5.00 pm: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
9.00am - 4.00pm: Friday
For medical assistance outside of these hours please contact South West Healthcare Emergency Department on 03 55631666
and/or call 000 in an emergency.
At Gunditjmara we respect your health information privacy.
Please click on the heading above to download and read about our strict Privacy guidelines regarding your health records.
Please click on the above heading to read about our range of services in a handy brochure that you can print for your easy reference.
Beautiful Shawl Project
Prevention and Early Intervention activities are a key part of Gunditjmara's health services. We continually look to improve health outcomes and create a positive health experience for Aboriginal people. The rollout of the Beautiful Shawl Project saw the Breast Bus first visit Gunditjmara in 2019. A partnership between VACCHO, BreastScreen Victoria and a number of ACCOs around the state run the project and we look forward to a return of the big pink bus in 2021!
Click on the photo above to see a documentary on the project featuring some of our amazing Gunditjmara women.
Six simple steps to protect yourself and those most at risk of Covid-19:
1. Wear a face mask
Remember to wear a face mask around people who are vulnerable.
2. Take a test
Before visiting people who are high risk, take a test.
3. Stay at home
If you have COVID-19 symptoms, stay at home.
4. Meet outdoors
Catch up with friends and family outdoors or let fresh air in when indoors.
5. Talk to your GP about COVID medications
Make a plan with your GP to access COVID-19 medications for when you might need them in the future.
6. Get vaccinated
You can get your flu and COVID-19 shot at the same time.
Call 000 if you need urgent medical help.
COVID Vaccination clinics are now running.
Contact us for the next available session.
General Practitioners
Your practitioner is dedicated to providing quality patient-centered services to you and your family. Your consultations are longer, we bulk bill and all our friendly staff are always striving to make a difference, Make a booking with us today for all your general health care needs.
Aboriginal Health Practitioners
With our organisation’s mission always in mind, we strive to create a culturally safe healing space for Aboriginal people. We are always exploring new strategies to develop your individual care plans. We can offer you a diverse range of health checks attuned to your cultural needs. Your health is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive change a reality. Contact us to learn more and find out how we can help you.
Chronic Health Care
Chronic Illness presents you with a set of individual and unique challenges dependant on your circumstances. We offer various health services and educational programs in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. We want you to know that we are here to help and can support you through these challenges. Talk to us today about how we can do this.
Our psychologists aim to provide our clients with empathetic, professional assistance in understanding and coping with emotional and behavioral challenges, working towards positive change and improved wellbeing. The main concern of Psychology is to help you improve your mental health and wellbeing so that you get the most out of life.
Aboriginal Dental Services
We offer specialised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people dental services tailored to meet your needs in friendly, culturally aware services. We provide quality care with friendly staff.
Aboriginal Optometry Services
This service is designed specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Tailored to suit your needs our highly specialised team are friendly and here to support you. Contact us today and find out how.
Aboriginal Eye & Ear Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have higher incidences of eye and ear disease that can impact their health and our service offers quality care and treatment to improve your quality of life, for adults and children. If your experiencing issues or just feel you need a check-up, contact us today and make an appointment
Womens Health Services
For a welcoming approach and friendly staff, we offer aboriginal and nonaboriginal women health-related services. We offer wellbeing support in a range of services and our specialised female doctors offer quality care for our female clients. Learn more about our Women's Health Services by getting in touch with our team today.
Koori Maternity Support Services
A new child is a special time for you and your baby. Tailored to suit your needs we want you to know we are here to help. We offer maternal & child health services for mothers with aboriginal babies. Our professional team and specialist doctors pride themselves in providing quality ongoing care for you, your baby and your children. Make an appointment today and find out how we can support and care for you.
Gunditjmara Health Clinic offer a wide range of immunisations to help protect individuals and the broader community. Immunisations available include those on the National Immunisation Program, some travel vaccines and Covid-19 vaccination.
Contact the clinic or speak to the practice nurse for more information.
Mens Health Services
With this initiative, our aim is to provide essential male-focused health-related services and wellbeing support. Our specialised male doctors offer quality care for indigenous and non-indigenous men. Learn more about our Men's Health Services by getting in touch with our team today.
Quit Smoking
Dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing the issue of smoking for Indigenous and non-indigenous people, we offer a range of programs that can help you quit smoking. We offer workshops, provide educational and therapeutic assistance to help you kick the habit once and for all. Find out ways we can help you kick the habit and find a happier healthier you contact us today to learn more.
Alchohol & Other Drugs
We all need support sometimes, and when it comes to alcohol and drugs you are more likely to succeed with access to the right resources, support and advice. Start making positive steps to a healthier, happier version of you. Contact our supportive and friendly team today.
Prevention & Early Intervention
We have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community supporting organisations to implement health promotional activities throughout our community and enable us to target areas such as increasing cancer screening and sexual health-related issues. Contact us today to find out what services are available.
Nursing Support Service
Our health service provides nursing support and appointments. Our nurses can assist with chronic disease management, care planning, immunisations, general medical support and health checks.
Local justice worker
We are committed to improving outcomes for local Aboriginal people who are involved with the local justice system. The Justice Worker is here to assist the local Aboriginal community with a culturally appropriate, respectful, and fully confidential justice support service. If you need to have a yarn with someone about Community Corrections orders, fines and warrants, or if you just have questions about the criminal justice system then the Justice Worker is here to help.